Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Vote for best charity marketing and publicity campaign

Howard Lake | 27 March 2008 | Blogs

The organisers of the third Charity Communications conference, which takes place on 8 May in London, are inviting votes for the best charity marketing and publicity campaign.
The finalists are:
* Motor Neurone Disease Association – for the John’s Journey campaign on the London Underground.
* The Royal British Legion – for ‘Poppy Man’ adverts, TV slots and online marketing.
* Help for Heroes – for their massive celebrity and royals led awareness campaign.
* Leonard Cheshire Disability – for the popular creature discomfort adverts.
* Women’s Aid – for their photo-shopped ‘abused’ celebrity adverts.
The closing date for votes is 10am tomorrow, 28 March 2008.



Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

