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NI Philanthropy event details announced

The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland has announced details of the annual Philanthropy Fortnight event which will run from 15th May to 25th May.
Now in its sixth year, Philanthropy Fortnight is being supported by a range of well known local charitable organisations and will explore, encourage and recognise the support given to Northern Ireland’s charitable causes.
Siofra Healy Director of Philanthropy at the Community Foundation, said: “As we raise awareness of giving in NI, Philanthropy Fortnight is an opportunity to celebrate our history of giving, discuss the role of philanthropy and highlight the difference this can make”.
Ms Healy said this year’s programme will help to stimulate debate on how charities and their supporters can meet the challenges they face and support each other with ‘talent, time and treasure’.

Philanthropy Fortnight involves close collaboration between the Community Foundation, Belfast Charitable Society, Arts & Business NI, Will to Give and the Fermanagh Trust.
Events are being organised across Northern Ireland and include a talk by Jess Dornan Lynas, the founder of who will speak about giving through wills. In addition, four local charities will have six minutes to tell their story about what they do and appeal for support at a Charity Champions event in Belfast.
In addition, the Fermanagh Trust and the Fisher Foundation will be celebrating local philanthropy and volunteers willing to help the disadvantaged throughout the world. Kath Russell, Director of Development at the Hallé Concerts Society will also share how the Manchester-based orchestra fundraises from its networks, whilst the Barbour Fund, will be recognising hundreds of years of philanthropic work in Belfast.



