Peace III capital grants programme opened
The Peace III programme in Northern Ireland has opened calls for applications for major capital projects. Under Priority 2 of the programme, there is an allocation of ‚€80-‚€130 million, with about 10 projects likely to get grants around ‚€10 million.
The theme for the programme is ‘Creating Shared Public Spaces’. The definition of a shared society is one in which public spaces are shared by all members of that society, with the objective of regenerating urban, rural and border areas that have been neglected due to the civil unrest of recent years. Given the size of intended capital projects and likely on going revenue requirement it seems that public bodies will be best placed to draw down the grants.
The programme will tackle the problems of separation of communities within society and address the underlying problems of sectarianism, racism and prejudice by encouraging the development of physical environments that are not ‘marked out’ with symbols that define it as a territory of one side of a community.
There is no deadline for applications, with the call for applications under the theme being made on a rolling basis. However, a closing date will be announced at a later date as the funding under this theme is distributed.
There is a two part application form. You can complete Part A online at Part B is a downloadable application form (available as a word document) and detailed background information. Applications can only be made by visiting this site and application forms cannot be obtained without first registering on the website.