Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Fashion show nets ‚€150,000

Howard Lake | 30 January 2007 | News

Top models in Ireland were joined by Danish supermodel Helena Christensen last week to take part in a fashion show for the Chernobyl Children’s Project. The event raised ‚€150,000 in the Brown Thomas spring/summer show.

The models who took part in the show waived their fees. The money will be used for two key projects — the Homes of Hope Fostering Project and the Medical Care Cardiac Programme.

A number of male TV and radio stars acted as models for the day. The 650 guests were joined by CCP patron Ali Hewson and Anne Achieson, wife of U2’s Larry Mullen.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

