New group enters SSIA race

Howard Lake | 13 April 2006 | News

Another charity consortium in Ireland has been formed to try and cash in on the huge release of funds from the maturing of Special Savings Investment Accounts. The SSIAs will begin maturing shortly and over the next year will release around ‚€14 billion into the Irish economy.

Oxfam Ireland, Amnesty International and Friends of the Earth are asking people to consider supporting African families, paying for flights for a human rights defender or the costs of lobbying for the environment as an alternative to holidays and cars.

The ask is for ‚€254 and you can pick one of the charities rather than contribute to a common pot of money.


A number of other charities have already come together to raise money from the SSIA windfalls, including a children’s group, and many charities are planning their own campaigns.

