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New Irish website established to promote ‘good charities’

Howard Lake | 11 June 2014 | News

A new website has been set up to help improve the public’s knowledge of how charities work in Ireland. GoodCharity.ie says it wants to improve the debate around charities in Ireland.
“We realised that the general public and media were hungry for accurate information about how charities work, so we decided to develop this website as a positive step forward,” according to the GoodCharity website.
The website provides links to official information sources such as the charities act, registration of charity numbers and company search. Other links are provided to guidance sources such as details on salaries, administration costs and financial reporting.
The ‘Frequently asked Questions’ section of the Good Charity website also addresses issues such as ‘why we need charities,’ ‘why there are so many charities ‘ and the topical issue of charity CEO salaries.
The website lists five organisations as founder members – Dochas, Fundraising Ireland, Total Fundraising, The Wheel and Whitebarn Consulting.

