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CAF to combine its websites

Howard Lake | 4 January 2006 | News

Charities Aid Foundation is to roll some of its websites into one multi-functional site early this year, with the aim of delivering improved content, service and security levels.

Over the past ten years CAF has developed a number of websites to make its services more widely available and to develop the online infrastructure for the UK voluntary sector.

These include charitynet.org, the main corporate site cafonline.org, givenow.org, allaboutgiving.org, cafbank.org, and ccinet.org


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The new single site will feature an improved search tool allowing visitors to search a database of 238,000 charities registered with the Charity Commission plus other exempted organisations. It has been designed to help visitors find charities which match their interests.

The facility will allow you to search for a charity by:

* keyword
* cause (eg education, the environment, health)
* annual income
* location
* whether it operates overseas

The results pages will include the ability to donate online to charities listed. CAF says that it currently processes around 200,000 online charity searches, “distributing £14m in donations every year as a result”.

