Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

AMA to help Missing Persons Helpline with Christmas appeal

AMA Charity Services have been selected to recruit new supporters from ‘cold’ records for the National Missing Persons Helpline. The outbound calling will start today, following a national PR campaign to coincide with the Christmas season.

The National Missing Persons Helpline is currently promoting its services in the run-up to Christmas with TV appeals on primetime BBC and ITV, as well as daily appeals on London’s LBC radio station. “The Big Issue” will also publish articles and appeals on behalf of the charity.

AMA’s outbound calling is designed to capitalise on this media coverage. AMA operators will then focus their outbound campaign in the London area, with a view to attracting at least 100 new donors. They will also handle fulfilment for the campaign, which includes thank-you letters and donation forms.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The first burst of outbound calling will continue until Friday 23 December 2005.

