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My Weekly magazine begins its 14th annual Helping Hand Appeal

Howard Lake | 23 October 2013 | News

DC Thomson woman’s magazine, My Weekly, has launched its 14th annual Helping Hand Appeal this week with Scotland-based charity Mary’s Meals. The money raised will support hungry children living in poverty in Kenya.
Since the appeal was first run in 1999 in response to the magazine’s report on the plight of children in Romania, My Weekly readers have donated three quarters of a million pounds to help children in Romania, Malawi, Liberia, East Africa, Haiti and India.
My Weekly Editor Sally Hampton said: “Last year alone [our readers] generated over £35,000 for Mary’s Meals and I hope that they’ll get behind this year’s appeal which helps children in Kenya.”
The appeal will run until Christmas 2013 and will be supported by weekly features.

