ActionAid begins affiliate marketing campaign

Howard Lake | 5 July 2005 | News

International development charity ActionAid is testing online affiliate marketing as a fundraising tool to boost child sponsorship in partnership with Tradedoubler.
The charity is offering to pay website owners £30 for generating a child sponsor. It is offering a cookie time of 45 days, meaning that website owners will still be credited for generating a donor even if the donor doesn’t get round to making the gift for a month and a half.
To protect its own brand and online marketing campaigns, ActionAid is restricting the keywords that affiliates can use to promote the programme. For example the charity states that affiliates are not permitted to use “the Action Aid brand name, brand misspellings or similar variations in the written copy of adverts on PPC (Pay per Click) search engines.”
ActionAid approves participating merchants on a case-by-case basis.
World Vision also use Tradedoubler to promote their child sponsorship campaign. They offer website owners slightly less, at £25 per sponsor.
The graphical creative on offer from ActionAid includes:




