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CSV to match skilled impact measurement volunteers to small charities for free

Howard Lake | 24 May 2013 | News

Volunteering charity CSV is offering highly skilled volunteers to small charities to help them measure their impact. The Measuring the Good initiative is designed to help charities identify and develop ways to measure their impact and outcomes.

It is available for small London-based charities with a turnover of over £150,000, and is funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Garfield Weston Foundation.

Recipient charities will receive a skilled volunteer, who will also help advise the charity on communications and support funding proposals. Both charity and volunteer wil be supported by CSV through a process which involves four meetings over three months, with the project running from June to September 2013.


Beverly Frain, Head of Employee Volunteering at CSV said: "In these tough economic times, smaller charities in particular are struggling and by enlisting the help of skilled volunteers, we are making significant inroads to allow them to maximise their offer and highlight the remarkable work they carry out."

The deadline for applications from both skilled volunteers and charities is 3 June 2013. Contact Angela Schlenkhoff-Hus at CSV for details.

Photo: Rain drop impact – photo: Nneirda on

