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Hush Puppies to support Battersea Dogs Home

Howard Lake | 22 September 2003 | News

Hush Puppies (UK) Ltd has selected Battersea Dogs Home as its sole preferred charity and has pledged to support the Home with a wide range of fundraising initiatives.

Dog loving celebrity Tamara Beckwith is being ‘sponsored’ by the footwear company during London’s Fashion Week. For every show Tamara attends with her own dog Lux, Hush Puppies will make “a substantial contribution” to Battersea Dogs Home.

The Home will also benefit from an in-store campaign in which Hush Puppies will donate 10% of sales from every pair of Hush Puppies sold in 10 participating London outlets in the last week of September.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

David Rist, managing director of Hush Puppies (UK) Ltd explains: “Hush Puppies has been approached by many different charities over the years, and while we fully appreciate the importance of them all and have attempted to support as many as possible, we’re making a commitment to support Battersea Dogs Home as our sole preferred charity on an on-going basis. We firmly believe that this is the best way of ensuring our support makes a real difference.”

