Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Shelter launches office recycling scheme to raise funds

Howard Lake | 12 May 2003 | News

Shelter today starts asking people to go
green and get recycling by donating used office products to their local
Shelter shop.

Shelter has partnered with recycling company Office Green, which will collect unwanted items such as old mobile phones, empty inkjet and toner cartridges and recycle them, using the proceeds to help fund Shelter’s work with homeless and badly housed

Alan Gosschalk, Shelter’s Director of Fundraising, said: “Households as well as offices can join in simply by donating the unwanted items to their local Shelter shop or
sending them by freepost to Office Green.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Shelter shops will be accepting donations of used mobile phones, toner, laser and inkjet cartridges. People can drop their donations off in person to their local Shelter shop, or send by freepost direct to Office Green, marking clearly on the envelope that it’s a Shelter donation.
Freepost envelopes can be collected from the Shelter shop.

For every item recycled by Office Green, Shelter will receive a sum of money to help fund their work. This can range from 25p to £3.50 for an inkjet cartridge and between £1.80 and £66 for a used mobile phone.

Shelter points out that its shops do of course continue to accept other donated goods, such as books, clothes and

Shelter shops are open for donation deliveries from 10:00-16:00 six
days a week, and the Shelter Web site includes information on their location.

