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Online donors prefer e-mail communication from charities

Howard Lake | 27 June 2002 | News

Justgiving.com reports that most online donors at charity’s Web sites agree to pass on their details to the charity, and they want to hear back via e-mail.

Online donors are more likely to share their personal details if they give at a charity’s Web site than if they give at a generic multi-charity portal, according to online donation service Justgiving.com.

The company reports that the majority of people who donate through its ‘White Label’ service on individual charity sites request further information from the charity. It says that 58% of people agree to pass on their personal details to the charity for further communications. In contrast, 73% of users who donate in the multi-charity environment of the Justgiving site choose to remain anonymous to the organisations they support. Justgiving.com say that “this demonstrates the value of providing a dedicated donation area on your own site.”


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Not surprisingly, Justgiving add that they have found that online donors are most likely to prefer e-mail to other forms of communication, and many dislike having their names added routinely to DM lists after an initial online gift.

