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Charitableway to close

Howard Lake | 1 March 2001 | News

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has confirmed that US online workplace-giving service Charitableway is to close.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has confirmed that US online workplace-giving service Charitableway is to close. The pioneering service had raised more than $43m to establish itself.

Founder and former Microsoft executive Pete Mountanos attributed the closure to the fact that he “found that it took longer to build relationships and to negotiate business agreements in the nonprofit world than he had expected.” He said: “What should take two weeks in this space takes six months”.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake has made this lesson clear to many of the voluntary sector online start-ups which have sought his advice. Most of them had little experience of the voluntary sector and were overly optimistic in their assumptions about the speed with which voluntary sector organisations would move to contract and implementation phases.

Read Charitableway to Cease Operations by Nicole Wallace at the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

