Getting Started with TikTok: An Introduction to Fundraising & Supporter Engagement

"Digital TV beats Internet for charity communications"

Howard Lake | 8 July 1999 | News

Which will be the most effective medium for charity communications and fundraising? At a Media Trust conference last month one speaker said that digital TV could “revolutionise charity fundraising in a way the Internet has so failed to do.”

Which will be the most effective medium for charity communications and fundraising? At a Media Trust conference last month one speaker said that digital TV could “revolutionise charity fundraising in a way the Internet has so failed to do.” The speaker was Julian Eccles, director of corporate communications at British Interactive Broadcasting.

Whether or not digital TV becomes the most popular method of electronic informationdelivery t consumers and donors, content will still be king. Greenpeace International have the compelling content, but they are also making sure they have the various delivery channels covered. The have announced plans to launch a Greenpeace digital TV channel.


Getting Started with TikTok: An Introduction to Fundraising & Supporter Engagement

