Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Grants for non-profits to face Y2K problems – US only

Howard Lake | 7 June 1999 | News

When the Millennium Bug bites, who is going to pick up the pieces of the social disruptions caused? Doubtless charities and non-profit organisations will be called upon. For this reason, the Center for Y2K & Society has announced a grants programme to fund preparation for such eventualities.

When the Millennium Bug bites, who is going to pick up the pieces of the social disruptions caused? Doubtless charities and non-profit organisations will be called upon. For this reason, the Center for Y2K & Society has announced a grants programme to fund preparation for such eventualities.

The grants are available only to US organisations and are intended “to support foundations and nonprofit organizations working to prepare communities for potential disruptions caused by the Y2K computer date problem.” If a UK source of funding for Y2K preparedness by charities becomes available, UK Fundraising will let you know.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

