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New Web sites still news

Howard Lake | 1 June 1999 | News

The Mayhew Animal Home has demonstrated that launching a Web site is not only news, it can be national news. The Times’ Interface today covers the launch of the North London animal rescue centre’s site. As a result the charity received some valuable national publicity, and a boost for its fundraising:

The Mayhew Animal Home has demonstrated that launching a Web site is not only news, it can be national news. The Times’ Interface today covers the launch of the North London animal rescue centre’s site. As a result the charity received some valuable national publicity, and a boost for its fundraising: “the Mayhew does not receive state aid or National Lottery grants, so the support of individuals and commerce is crucial.”

Unfortunately, the article does not give the correct URL for the Mayhew Animal Home. Still, the article demonstrates that charities can still secure mainstream press coverage for a new Web site.


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