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Beeb.com claims £370,000 raised online so far for Comic Relief

Howard Lake | 15 March 1999 | News

Beeb.com, the BBC’s commercial Web arm, reports today that Comic Relief this year was “the most successful online charity donation event in history – having raised over £370,000 in online donations.”

Beeb.com, the BBC’s commercial Web arm, reports today that Comic Relief this year was “the most successful online charity donation event in history – having raised over £370,000 in online donations.” They say that this broke “the previous record by 300 percent and the previous Red Nose Day by over 1000 percent!”

The announcement came in Beeb.com’s weekly e-mail newsletter. Sensibly they included yet another request to donate: “ut it’s not over yet! You can still donate online if you’ve not done so at http://www.rednoseday.beeb.com.”


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

