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Legacy Futures announces new support for small charities

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The Legacy Futures group’s new support, Legacy StartUp, is designed for charities that want to take their first steps into the world of legacy fundraising, many of these are likely to be smaller and emerging charities.

UK charities now receive over £5 billion a year from gifts in wills and in-memory giving combined – a figure expected to double by 2050. Legacy StartUp will help charities that are not yet receiving legacy income to understand how they can tap into it, and to develop their legacy fundraising programme through a series of practical steps, including:  

1.       Forecasting and business case support


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2.       Legacy and In-memory strategy and prioritisation

3.       Legacy proposition and content design

4.       Admin audit – for best practise legacy administration

The new programme will help charities that have never previously undertaken legacy fundraising to quantify the impact of investing in this area, and calculate likely return on investment along with the timeframe for receiving that return. By illustrating to charities their forecasted legacy income over the long term, it aims to support them in building the case for investment.

Legacy StartUp uses market data and insight from the group’s research to present three possible legacy income scenarios over a period of 10 years. The group’s legacy specialists will then advise the charity on how to best manage their legacy programme and resulting income, supporting them with services such as the creation of a legacy strategy and proposition, the design of legacy marketing and campaign materials, or training and mentoring.

Ashley Rowthorn, CEO of Legacy Futures, said:

“We created Legacy StartUp to open up the power of legacy fundraising to more charities, regardless of their size, experience, or knowledge of the market. We believe there shouldn’t be any barriers to being able to enter the world of legacies, especially when the area is growing rapidly. There are huge potential gains that gifts in wills and in-memory giving afford, and our aim is to help as many charities as possible to access them.


“Despite the cost-of-living crisis we’re seeing at present, legacy income is still on a steady rise. Now is a great time for charities to explore their legacy potential and take their first steps into developing a more sustainable future through a legacy income stream. Many smaller charities especially are feeling the effects of these current unpredictable times. The legacy market is proving largely resilient to market forces and providing charities with the all-important stability they need to continue their work.”

