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MS Society launches Fancy Dress for MS, & other fundraising event news

A banner ad for MS Society's Fancy Dress for MS fundraising event

MS Society has announced a new mass participation event for April, while this month there’s a whole host of fundraising events going on. Here’s a selection.

MS Society launches Fancy Dress for MS

The MS Society is asking people to ‘Fancy Dress for MS’ to mark MS Awareness Week this April, in a new mass participation fundraising event. MS Awareness Week runs from 25 April – 1 May. This year, the charity is encouraging people to get sponsored for dressing up on Friday 29 April to raise funds. Whether people want to go big, go small, go in character or go themed, everyone across the UK – from schools to workplaces – is invited to get involved.


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Rock Your Socks for Mencap

Mencap asked people to Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day, which took place on Monday 21 March this year. Rock Your Socks aims to raise funds to help the charity in its work supporting people with a learning disability. People with Down Syndrome have a unique extra copy of chromosome 21. The extra chromosome doesn’t match up, which is why the charity is asking people to wear odd or mismatched socks.

Walk All Over Cancer for Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK is asking people to Walk All Over Cancer this month by walking 10,000 steps every single day and raising funds. There’s a Walk All Over Cancer Facebook group where participants can meet other people taking on the challenge, share tips for getting their steps in and get encouragement to help stay motivated.

Walk 310,000 steps for Samaritans

Samaritans is also challenging people to walk this month and raise funds and awareness. It’s asking people to walk 310,000 steps across the month. Resources for participants includes downloadable milestone badge graphics that they can share that show how many calls their money will help answer and inspire more donations – £50 will help answer 10 for example.

Give up chocolate for BHF

BHF’s annual Dechox takes place this month, challenging people to give up chocolate for 31 days to raise money for its research into heart and circulatory diseases. Another aim of the challenge is to help people to get into healthier habits long-term.

Take the Walk of Light for Blood Cancer UK

Blood Cancer UK’s Walk of Light takes place this month on 26 March. It asks people to walk as the sun sets, this Spring, from wherever they are, whether alone or in a small group and any route or distance. To celebrate completing their Walk of Light, the charity is also encouraging all walkers to host a light-filled event.

Complete 100 Miles for Mind

Another fundraising challenge, this month people are completing 100 Miles in March for Mind to raise funds for people with mental health problems. People can complete their miles however they like, and inside or outside. As another incentive, Mind will send anyone who raises £250 for 100 Miles in March a Pause box to say thanks!

