Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

How do you draw ‘corporate’ in the game of Pictionary?

Rainbow coloured pencils - photo: Pexels and Pixabay

The initial image that my mind conjures up is that of an enormous impenetrable skyscraper, surrounded by other skyscrapers. One where all manner of mysterious activities take place, with a suit clad cast, stern faced beings, rushing around busy corridors, West Wing style, smoking in boardrooms like a bunch of Mad Men, or animatedly yelling into telephones, under the supervision of someone resembling Jordan Belfort.

Drawing all of this would require more time and artistic ability than I have, and would be ridiculous.

Pop culture references aside, for those uninitiated in developing a mutually beneficial charity relationship with a corporation or company, the path to success is an intimidating one. How do you breach the walls of these corporate entities?


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Contrary to the lazy stereotypes and monolithic imagery listed above, much like people, companies come in all shapes and sizes, identities and aims. More important to remember is that rather than being an impenetrable corporate structure, companies are made up of discerning and intelligent people, much like you and I, and similar to the makeup of any charity. Sounds obvious, I know. But my point is that approaching them shares the same discipline and ethos that should sit at the heart of all relationship building. The life hack is…. doing this well.

Speaking with so many knowledgeable and diverse contributors to the Charity Chat podcast over the past few years, I am regularly reminded of the virtues that we should all focus our time on cultivating in order to become better fundraisers and relationship builders – purposefulness; patience; and respect, to name but a few.

Those partnerships between charities and companies that are most successful, both large and small, must have a clear purpose and respect between both parties, and have been patiently curated. Success is best measured in an agreed understanding of success, which in turn is best achieved by developing strategic partnerships:

Charity Chat podcast · E57 – Strategic Partnerships

These relationships must be built with tools that measure the expectations and detail the language of the partnership;

Charity Chat podcast · E141 – Work For Good With Veronica Bamford – Deane

And with an ever growing trend towards ethical consumerism, now is the opportunity for charities to assist companies in doing more good, while supporting good causes, and in return for increased success.

Charity Chat podcast · E130 – Ethical Consumerism And Charity With David Zarzecki, Executive Director Of Kindred

So, how do you draw ‘corporate’ in the game of Pictionary? I suggest starting with the pop culture references, but know that these are obtuse and likely to change.

