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RNLI reveals latest gender pay gap figures

Melanie May | 13 March 2019 | News

RNLI’s latest gender pay gap figures reveal little difference between how men and women are paid with women in fact earning 3.1% more on average.
RNLI released its gender pay gap figures as required by regulations, revealing its gap to be -3.1%, based on an average hourly rate (the mean average) for men and women employed by the charity in Great Britain.
This means, on average, women at the RNLI are paid 3.1% more than men. This equates to 51 pence more per hour. The gap is above that of 2017, when it was 0.7%, which, the charity says, is largely due to the differing employed population in comparison to the previous year’s report. In 2018, seasonal lifeguards were employed and on service on the reporting date of 5 April 2018 because Easter fell earlier than in 2017.
The gender pay gap does not show differences in pay for comparable roles at specific grades, but is used as a broad measure of earnings across a whole organisation. According to the Office for National Statistics, the UK’s average gender pay gap is 17.9% for 2018.
Sue Barnes, People Director at the RNLI, said:

“We are absolutely committed to demonstrating equality for all our employees in recruitment, promotion, development opportunities and pay. At the RNLI, we value the many benefits diversity brings to our organisation.
“We actively promote awareness on inclusion and diversity for our staff and volunteers to enhance their awareness and make practical changes to help create an inclusive and supportive environment at the RNLI.
“We have a formal process of grading jobs at the RNLI to ensure rigorous decisions are made on job grades and rates of pay. Gender pay gap data is reviewed by our Remuneration Committee and actions to address gender pay gaps form part of our annual pay review cycle.
“As we continue to monitor our gender pay gap levels, our data shows that our mean gender pay gap is returning closer to the 2017 reported level, with our figures from September 2018 – when employment for most seasonal lifeguards ends – showing a gender pay gap of 0.7%.”

Any organisation in Great Britain that has 250 or more employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap. The deadline for businesses and charities to publish their figures is 4 April each year.
The RNLI’s full report can be viewed online.
Main image: Sue Barnes, RNLI People Director. RNLI/Nathan Williams



