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YouTube tests new fundraising tools in US launch

Melanie May | 3 September 2018 | News

YouTube video icon on mobile phone - photo: Pixabay
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YouTube has announced the launch of a suite of fundraising tools called YouTube Giving in the US.

The tools are largely in beta mode at present and YouTube has announced in a blog that it is rolling them out first to US creators and qualifying US-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofits, which are corporations, trusts, unincorporated associations, or other types of organisation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code.

The tools

Fundraisers (beta) – Use your voice for good lets YouTube creators and nonprofits create and embed a fundraising campaign next to their videos and live streams. Creators are responsible for setting up their campaigns, while YouTube will take care of the logistics and payment processing. The tool allows fans to donate to creator-led campaigns directly on YouTube via a “Donate” button.


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Community Fundraisers (beta) – Do more good together is currently being rolled out to a limited group of US creators and qualifying US-registered nonprofits and allows multiple creators to co-host the same fundraiser. The feature is designed so that a Community Fundraiser will appear on participating creators’ videos at the same time and reflect the collective amount of money their communities are raising together.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is one of the first to use this tool. The charity and 12 gaming creators with over 37 million subscribers combined are teaming up for a special edition of St. Jude PLAY LIVE on YouTube, a fundraising event, which will use the Community Fundraisers beta feature.

St. Jude PLAY LIVE on YouTube

Campaign matching (beta) – Multiply your impact for good will be rolled out over the coming weeks, and will allow creators organising Fundraisers and Community Fundraisers to receive matching pledges to help amplify their efforts. This beta feature will display matching pledges from other creators or brands directly within the Fundraiser to help inspire more fans to get involved and maximise impact.

Super Chat for Good – Livestream for good is also rolling out, and enables creators to raise funds for qualifying US-registered nonprofits on live streams and Premiere videos. When an eligible creator enables Super Chat for Good, 100% of Super Chat for Good purchases will be automatically routed to a qualifying nonprofit chosen by the creator.

