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£500k fund opens to help people living with long term conditions in Scotland

Howard Lake | 23 April 2018 | News

The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland is now seeking applications to the Self Management Fund: Working Together to Strengthen Integration.
The Fund will distribute £500,000 to projects that can demonstrate how they will help build the capacity for people to be the leading partner in their health and wellbeing.
Successful applicants will be expected to begin the funded projects in October 2018, and that projects should run for between 12 and 18 months.
The new funding round was launched by Aileen Campbell MSP, Minister of Public Health and Sport. She said: “I’m really pleased to be able to launch this round of the Self Management Fund, which is focussed on strengthening the integration of Health and Social Care and ensuring that it’s happening as well as it can be across Scotland.  
“Self-management is really empowering and we know that it generates many more positive outcomes for people with long term conditions. The Fund will make sure that we support the development of existing good work and nurture new and innovative ideas and approaches.”

Cath Cooney, Director of Development and Improvement at the Alliance explained what the network was aiming to achieve with its latest funding round.
She said: “Our aim is to support third sector organisations to work with health and social care partners to develop new ideas, as well as strengthen existing approaches, that will build the capacity for supported self management across health and social care.
“Building on the learning from the Fund so far, we are confident that there will be a great response from projects to support people living with long term conditions, and their unpaid carers, to adopt a self management approach that will contribute to, and strengthen person centred approaches across the health and social care integration landscape.”
Since 2009, 244 projects have been funded across Scotland by the fund.

Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland

The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland is the national third sector intermediary for a range of health and social care organisations.  It has over 2,300 members including a large network of national and local third sector organisations, associates in the statutory and private sectors and individuals.
Its Chief Executive Ian Welsh said: “Building on the learning from over 240 projects funded by the Self Management Fund to date, the newly launched fund provides a unique opportunity for community and voluntary organisations to work together with partners from the statutory sector…
“Through this round of the Self Management Fund with the focus on Integration, the aim is to support partnership working that will develop and enhance the impact of self management approaches and strengthen the role of third sector organisations.”
Full details of the Self Management Fund, including guidance notes, eligibility and criteria, can be found on the Alliance’s website.


