The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Institute of Fundraising seeks nominations for new Fellows

The Institute of Fundraising has begun its annual process of inviting nominations for new Fellows to the Institute.
Institute members are encouraged to nominate someone who has made a “significant voluntary contribution” to the Institute and who has demonstrated leadership and /or development of the fundraising profession. In other words, Fellows are recognised for their contribution to fundraising “above and beyond their day job”.
Fellowship of the Institute is designed to acknowledge the commitment given by fundraisers and fundraising leaders “to help develop and promote fundraising as a profession”.
Fellows in turn are expected to offer advice, guidance and support to trustees, staff and IoF members.
Nominees must be members of the Institute of Fundraising.
The Institute has for some time been encouraging more diversity amongst its Fellows. This year, not least following its establishment in February of its new expert advisory panel on equality, diversity and inclusion, it is included this request in its call for nominations.
Caroline Siddall, IoF Fellow, said: “I was so delighted, and surprised, to be welcomed as a Fellow of the Institute last year – it’s a real privilege to have your hard work recognised by your peers, and reinforced why I’m so proud to be part of this amazing community.”
Nominations can be made until 13 April 2018. Fellowships are announced at the Institute of Fundraising Convention in July.


Current Trustees of the Institute and members of IoF Nominations Committee, which recommends Fellowship to the Board of Trustees, are excluded from the process.


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