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£3,000 grants available from Basil Death Trust

Melanie May | 2 March 2017 | News

The Basil Death Trust is looking to help fund charities and projects with a principal focus on education in Highland Perthshire, the Roman Catholic Church, and the relief of people in need, particularly related to the British Armed Forces.
The Basil Death Trust was established following the death of Perthshire businessman Basil Death in line with his wishes to use his estate to support good causes. Having lived in Perthshire, served in the Irish Guards and been a lifelong Roman Catholic, he wished the Trust to support local educational projects in Highland Perthshire, the Roman Catholic Church, and military charities, together with other good causes.
The Trust will award grants of up to £3,000 annually, giving priority to applications within the principal areas above and the geographic areas with which Basil Death had a close personal association.
Applications can be made until 1st September each year, with grants generally allocated before Christmas.



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