Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Support for Irish NGOs to access EU funding

Charity umbrella group The Wheel has announced that it will deliver the Access Europe project which assists Irish organisations to source EU funding.
Access Europe is a joint initiative of thirteen grantees of the Atlantic Philanthropies: the Immigrant Council of Ireland, Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC), Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT), Barnardos, Foroige, Age and Opportunity, Early Years – the organisation for young children, Law Centre Northern Ireland, Committee on the Administration of Justice, Lifestart Foundation, National Energy Action (NEA), and Age Sector Platform. 
This initiative started in 2013 to build the capacity of Irish organisations to access EU funding. It was felt that civil society organisations could strongly benefit from further engagement in EU programmes.
The Access Europe project aims to increase:

The project has two phases. The first phase comprised a research project to assess the potential for grantees of the Atlantic Philanthropies to access EU funds. It resulted in the production of the report: “Building the Capacity to Access EU Funds – 2014 and beyond”.
The Access Europe project is now in its second phase, which consists in the setting-up of a support service to grantees of the Atlantic Philanthropies to monitor the development of European Union programmes and related funds, to identify funding opportunities and to assist applicants to submit applications. The Wheel will lead the project until 2018.



Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

