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Trustees’ Week to cover duties around fundraising

Melanie May | 3 October 2016 | News

Trustees’ Week takes place between the 7th-13th November, with three events in and around the week announced so far on trustee duties around fundraising.
Trustees’ Week 2016 celebrates the UK’s 1 million trustees and promotes the benefits of volunteering to be a trustee, and this year focuses on good governance and the skills needed to make trustees effective leaders.
Charities and charity trustees are invited to get involved in Trustees’ Week by joining in with webinars, live events and social media, and is also inviting charities and other bodies to list trustee-matching, training and celebration events on its website.
In the run-up to the event, the Institute of Fundraising is holding its Trustees and Fundraising Conference 2016. This takes place on 10th October with a focus on how organisations can develop the best possible relationship between trustees, chief executives and fundraising teams, and how an organisation’s values can frame and impact its strategy for fundraising.
During Trustees’ Week itself, the FSI is running an evening workshop on 10th November on the trustee role in fundraising, and looking at the key areas that Trustees should be focusing on for fund development.
The DSC has also announced an event on new fundraising regulation, which will look at recent media coverage of fundraising techniques and the proposals for the stricter regulation of fundraising. This will run during the afternoon of 15th November.
Other events of the week include the NCVO/ BWB and Third Sector Governance Forum’s charity conferences on Monday 7th November, and the Charity Commission Webinar – What should every trustee know? on Tuesday 8th November.
Free training resources from umbrella bodies and professional bodies will also be available, while on Twitter trustees will tweeting about their experiences on @trusteesweek.
Paula Sussex, chief executive of the Charity Commission, regulator for charities in England and Wales, said:

“The last year has shown the challenges of trusteeship. It can be hard, but it’s worth it. Charities and trustees achieve so much that is valuable and worth celebrating. You should step forward to become a trustee. The Commission, charities and professional bodies supporting Trustees’ Week are ready to help you equip yourself to be the best trustee you can be.”



