The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

CAF Charity Street II reveals rising public use of charities

Charity use is widespread and on the rise in the UK with 98% of households having used a charity at some point, and four out of five (83%) have used a charity service in the last 12 months, according to the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).
This is an increase from 2014, when 79% had used a charity in the last 12 months, and 93% said they had at some point used a charity.
Published this month, Charity Street II: the value of charity to British households, updates CAF’s 2014 Charity Street, and is based on a survey that ran between 19th and 21st February 2016 as part of Populus’s online omnibus, collecting 2,054 responses from the UK public.
It looks at the way households and individuals use charitable services and whether or not individuals are aware these are charitable services, and uncovers differences between gender, age groups and, for the first time, the type of area in which people live.
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Key findings: 

Charity Street II infographic
More key findings: 

The full report can be accessed on the CAF site:


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.


