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Feedback sought on Charity Commission’s revised fundraising guidance for trustees

The Charity Commission is inviting feedback on its draft revised guidance ‘Charity fundraising: a guide to trustee duties’, its document number CC20.
The draft guidance has been updated and amended following several media investigations into some charities’ fundraising practices, and in the wake of the closure of Kids Company and the questions raised about its governance.
Charity fundraising: a guide to trustee duties (CC20) will replace the current guidance Charities and Fundraising (CC20).
The draft revision is shorter than the current publication. It focuses on trustee duties, which the Commission regulates. It emphasises that trustees must play a role it establishing the charity’s approach to fundraising, and also ensuring that this reflects the charity’s values and ethos.
It lists other sources of information that are useful to trustees when considering various types of fundraising, and on overarching issues such as data protection and data handling.
It also reflects other changes such as those which will be introduced if the Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill becomes law.
Feedback can be given online until the consultation closes on 11 February 2016.

