Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Irish community foundation grant giving increases

Howard Lake | 15 September 2015 | News

Grant giving by the Community Foundation for Ireland increased from €3.5 million in 2013 to €3.8 million in 2014, according to the latest annual report.
Of the total figure of €3.8 million distributed in 2014, €1.1 million came from the Foundation’s own funds while €2.8 came from donor funds.
The Community Foundation for Ireland distributes funds on behalf of a wide number of family, business and county donors. One of the biggest county funds is the Tony Ryan Fund for Tipperary which provided €420,000 to education and community organisations.
One of the largest company donor funds is provided the business services company, SAP. In 2014 SAP supported causes to the tune of €822,000. The funding was provided through three separate funds. The Ebay Foundation provided €28,000 to health and welfare charities.
The LFG Family Fund gave €215,000 to a range of charities, including the Hope Foundation (€50,000), National Concert Hall (€30,000) and Dublin Simon Community (€20,000).
The Foundation spent €291,000 on fundraising last year, against €208,000 in 2013. The Foundation’s total funds increased from €39 million to €42 million.

