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How to find which charities have filed late with the Charity Commission

Howard Lake | 19 January 2015 | Blogs

It’s not sensible to file a charity’s accounts and report late with the Charity Commission. Not only is it a criminal offence, it is often a sign of poor governance, and will not look good to any existing or prospective donors or funders.
It is very easy to find which charities have filed late with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Here is how to do it.
1. Visit the online Register of Charities on the Charity Commission’s website.
2. Use the Advanced Search, listed in the grey menu on the left.
3. Select ‘charities with latest documents overdue’.
4. Choose to find charities in a specific geographical area, by income size or by activity.
5. You can search for charities by postcode too. Use the ‘search by charity contact postcode’ link in the left hand menu.
Photo: alarm clock by BrAt82 on

