The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Research finds drop in N Ireland giving

The number of people giving to charity in Northern Ireland has declined significantly in the last year, according to new research by the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA).
NICVA’s Individual Giving Survey for 2014 found that 56% of respondents made a donation in the previous four weeks compared to 73% in the same period in 2013.
This research was conducted between February and March 2014 by Ipsos MORI. A representative sample of 1,010 adults in Northern Ireland aged 16 and over were interviewed face-to-face regarding their donations to charity over the previous four weeks.
The research found a decrease in the percentage of individuals who donated in all of the age brackets surveyed, the most notable of which is with regard to 16-24 years where there is a 28% drop in the population donating.
Other main findings from the research were:

In a commentary on the research as to why the results in this report are not as positive as those in 2013, NICVA says when the 2014 survey was undertaken no large fundraising campaigns were running.  In 2013, however, several fundraising campaigns including ‘Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day’ and the ‘Trócaire Lenten Appeal’ were running when the survey took place.
Nicva Individual Giving 2014 infographic


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