Schools raise £100k for their solar panels in eight months

Howard Lake | 4 June 2014 | News

Nineteen schools in the UK have raised over £100,000 in eight months to fund the installation of solar panels for their buildings. The schools are taking part in the Solar Schools project from the not-for-profit carbon-cutting campaign 10:10.
The money has been raised by a range of methods, including bake sales, sponsored events, business sponsorship and crowdfunding.
The Solar Schools project provides pupils and volunteers with a package of training, support and resources to help them enhance their usual fundraising efforts.
Solar Schools say that a typical school will raise £8,000 – £10,000 to install around 33 panels. These can, claims the organisation, generate over £30,000 over their lifetime in bill savings and revenue from the government’s Feed-in Tariff scheme.

2014-15 Solar Schools scheme

Applications are open to join the Solar Schools scheme for 2014-15, with 20 places available. Applications should be submitted by 6 June 2014.
Good Energy is offering a chance to win an additional £5,000 to put towards one school’s solar panels.



