The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

I raised £120.52 in my little tin!

Aha! I raised £120.52 in my little tin! 🙂
My Facebook friends might have seen the unusual photo of me in a giant yellow hat fundraising for Marie Curie Cancer Care a few weeks back.  I’ve been wondering how the campaign went and shamefully I have to admit I’ve been feeling a little dejected from not having been thanked for my efforts. Of course, I corrected myself in thinking I’m not doing this to be thanked, I’m doing it to support the charity and all those amazing nurses that help people in their final days, like my dad.
But, oh man, all those fundraising gurus are so right! It feels great to be thanked!

Jenny Turner collecting for Marie Curie Cancer Care

Jenny Turner collecting for Marie Curie Cancer Care

Today I received a short, sweet, personal email of thanks, just for me. And the best bit is being told exactly how much my contribution in time and effort, smiles and cajoling, polite conversation with the odd ‘unusual’ character who felt compelled to talk to the person in the big yellow hat, has raised for the charity in pounds and pence.
It’s made me feel valued and proud, and I’m sure all the others on the email list must be feeling the same. I wonder how many will probably volunteer again next year on the back of this. Isn’t supporter care and stewardship a wonderful thing when it’s done well? Nice one Marie Curie.
Here’s my thank you:

Hello Jenny,
I hope you are well.
The weather has been kind this year during the month of March and the donations have been good with many smiles and wonderful comments from our fantastic Great Daffodil appeal volunteers.  We have finished counting most of the collections and I am now able to say a big  thank you for taking part in the Chertsey Sainsburys collection on the 8th March.  The donations raised on the day were  £294.04 and your collection tin raised  £120.52  thank you so much.
The money raised will provide nursing care and will make such a difference to the lives of many patients and families facing a terminal illness. Below is a lovely thank you video from all at Marie Curie.
I hope that you enjoyed yourself and we look forward to being in touch again soon.
Kind regards,
Ros Hooper
Fundraising Manager – Surrey, Berkshire, Hampshire & IOW
Marie Curie Cancer Care
Watch our video:
[youtube height=”350″ width=”600″][/youtube]

Jenny Turner is founder and MD of Turner PR, a niche agency providing content marketing and PR to the charity sector, its regulatory bodies and suppliers.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

