UNICEF marks World Food Day with #emptyplate photos on Instagram and Twitter

Howard Lake | 17 October 2013 | Blogs

Instagram users will know that many people use the photo sharing service to take and share photos of the food they are about to eat.
Children’s charity UNICEF is taking advantage of this in order to mark World Food Day. But it is doing so in a striking way, to remind people that many children in the world face malnutrition.
Working with with Weapon7, the digital-focused creative agency, it has launched an awareness raising campaign around the hashtag #emptyplate.
The Share your #emptyplate campaign invites people to take a picture of an empty plate, post the image on Instagram or Twitter and add a message to show your support with the hashtag #emptyplate.

The provocative social media campaign aims to increase awareness and highlight how we take food for granted. It is explicitly intended to contrast the common images of platefuls of food that we often see and enjoy.
There is no fundraising element to the campaign, but it is another good example of a visual-based social media campaign by a charity.



