IoF conference to focus on fundraising for less popular causes

Howard Lake | 1 November 2012 | News

The Institute of Fundraising is running its first one-day conference on the topic of fundraising for less popular causes.

The conference, which takes place on 26 November in London, will bring together fundraisers from causes that might be seen as more challenging.

“Ultimately we want to help you increase your donor base and income,” explained IoF Head of Training and Events Ruth Moore. “Persuading someone to give up their hard earned money is never easy and by their nature, some causes are a harder ‘sell’ than others. However, no charity will have universal appeal and certain aspects of many organisations’ work will resonate less strongly with the giving public and corporate donors than others.”


Speakers at the event will examine what makes a cause popular or unpopular with the public. Delegates will learn how to engage with donors, and identify and target new audiences.

Issues to be covered include

* perfecting the case for support;

* identifying and targeting new audiences;

* developing a strong brand;

* and effective methods for promoting less mainstream causes to corporates.

The event will be chaired by Jane Brooke, Fundraising Manager for East Kent Mencap, and includes contributions from speakers such as Emma Roper, Head of Fundraising at Beat and Mind’s Chief Executive, Paul Farmer.

You can follow the conference and the issues it raises via the Twitter hashtag #ioflesspopular.

