The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Compassion in World Farming wins second place in outdoor digital competition

Howard Lake | 11 October 2012 | News

Compassion in World Farming has won second place in Ocean Outdoor’s Art of Outdoor Digital Competition. Toyota took first place and Heineken third.

The annual The Art of Outdoor Digital competition celebrates pioneering agencies and brands that are “pushing the creative boundaries of digital out of home advertising”.

Compassion in World Farming’s The World’s First Real Live Feed invited people to show their support by feeding Patsy and other free range farm pigs and make a £1 donation to the cause via text. The campaign was created by Elvis and is showcased at the Eat Street @ Westfield site.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The campaign was designed to persuade the the public to show their support for free range farming and better welfare standards by linking them live to a free range pig farm via the outdoor display screen. If they made a £1 donation via text they were sent a unique URL link which connected them to an online broadcast and an accelerometer to operate a machine that scatters feed for the pigs.

Once the pigs had been fed, a personalised message of thanks appeared on the billboard, together with a phone prompt asking them to make a monthly donation to Compassion in World Farming.

The judges praised the idea of the live feed angle and the astute use of technology which would “really catch fire from a PR perspective and successfully extend the reach and appeal of the campaign.”

The winners were announced today by Ocean Outdoor CEO Tim Bleakley at an awards ceremony at London’s IMAX, location of “the largest iconic outdoor banner opportunity in the UK”.

He commented: “Our top four winners are all game changing campaigns which demonstrate the immediacy and relevance of knock-out installations which are simple, strong, highly scalable and likely to catch fire through their amplification well beyond their chosen sites.”

The competition judges dealt with a wide range of visually stimulating and innovative approaches, using digital techniques including full motion, layering, subtle motion, time sensitivity, augmented reality and data streaming.

Toyota and Heineken adverts

To see what competition Compassion in World Farming were up against, view the other winning entries.

