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Fundraising statistics for eBay for Charity UK

Howard Lake | 25 September 2012 | Blogs

According to the Charity Retail Association, nine out of ten charities that sell online use eBay, with the eBay for Charity UK service. They do rather well too, earning several times more from these sales than they do from their own online sales (76% from eBay compared to 17% from their own websites).

So, the chances are your charity already uses the service. That said, there are still some charities coming on board for the first time: BBC Children in Need and the Royal British Legion brought their shops onto eBay.co.uk in 2011.

So I thought it would be useful to share a snapshot of statistics published by eBay for Charity UK.


• Since 2005, buyers and sellers on eBay have raised £31 million for good causes. Over £6.2 million was raised by UK charity shops and fundraising auctions on eBay in 2011.

• The most successful charity seller – MillRace IT, owned by InterAct charity – reached £580,000 in annual sales

• More than £1.77m was donated by eBay users through donations at checkout in 2011, with 130,000 buyers donating in November alone

• 2,600 eBay users have donated more than £100 to their favourite charities through eBay, with the most generous donor giving over £25,000

• eBay.co.uk now has more than 6,000 charities selling on its site

• Globally, the eBay community raised £39 million (US $63 million) for U.S. not-for-profit organisations and UK charities in 2011.

Lorin May, Head of eBay for Charity, said this week: “In 2011 the eBay UK community raised £10.1 million for charity, a 34% increase on the total raised in 2010 (£7.5 million), and four times the amount raised before the recession hit in 2007.”


