Give More campaign seeks pledges of money, time or energy

Howard Lake | 26 April 2012 | News

A nationwide year-long campaign begins today to inspire people to make a public commitment to give more money, time or energy to the causes they care about. The Give More campaign, announced in February 2012 (Pears Foundation launches Give More campaign), aims to encourage businesses, charities and individuals to take positive action in the difficult economic times.
Give More developed from The Philanthropy Review. Funded by Pears Foundation, it is chaired by Mr Trevor Pears CMG, Executive Chair of Pears Foundation, and supported by a steering group and group of ambassadors from companies, charities and the public sector.

Research on giving in the UK

To get the campaign underway, Give More announced the findings of research carried out by YouGov into giving and attitudes to giving across the UK.
• 62% of UK adults have given time, money or energy to causes they care about in the last six months
• 51% said that they thought need in their local community has increased in the past 12 months and 57% said that need is likely to increase over the next 12 months
• 79% think the UK is generous when it comes to giving money, time and energy to charities, community groups or directly to the community
• 43% agree that the ‘bulldog spirit’ of the past is still strong in the UK and we will roll up our sleeves and respond to the problems the UK is facing
• More women are passionate about good causes (19%) than they are about sex (14%)
• The causes people care most deeply about are children and young people (16%), health (16%) and animals (11%)
• 26% said they could give more to good causes than they currently do (representing approximately 12.5m people*)
• From a list, people are most inspired to give to good causes by their children (25%), their mother (11%) and their friends (9%)

Give More tour of the UK

The campaign will shortly begin a sofa tour of cities across the UK where the general public will be encouraged to talk about the causes they care about and make their own pledge to give more to those causes.
The sofa tour will begin in Belfast, Cardiff, Glasgow and London on 26 April and move on to Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Sheffield and Southampton across May.


NHS workers make the Give More pledge from The Give More Campaign on Vimeo.

