Charity:water's fifth birthday appeal

Howard Lake | 28 October 2011 | News

This video commemorates five years of charity:water. It’s a fine example of a young organisation explaining the problem, demonstrating the solution, and urging viewers to give and get involved.
“In five years, you’ve helped us fund more than 4,000 projects that will serve over two million people around the world with clean and safe drinking water. Because of your generosity, some of our partners are now working at full capacity. To keep growing, we need to give them the equipment they need to drill even more wells each year.
“Join us by starting a campaign on 100% of what you raise or give during the September Campaign will help us buy a new drilling rig fleet that can to provide clean water for 40,000 more people each year in Northern Ethiopia. We’re turning five – help us go faster.”​september

