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NatWest CommunityForce offers grants of up to £6,000

Howard Lake | 28 July 2011 | News

NatWest has launched CommunityForce, a platform that gives charities, projects and groups the opportunity to receive a grant of up to £6000. In addition, it can help these organisations promote their work and attract volunteers from among NatWest staff and the general public.
CommunityForce builds on the success of NatWest’s Community Fund in 2010 which provided donations of £1000 and £3000 to 606 local charities and projects based on popular votes.
Most local charities, projects or groups can apply to be considered for CommunityForce. Even if a group does not receive a grant, it could still benefit from offers of time from volunteers.
Applications must be submitted by 4 September, and public voting on the projects opens on 26 September 2011. Organisations can then encourage their supporters to vote for them online. Successful recipients of a CommunityForce award will receive it by 31 December 2011
So far eight projects are listed.
NatWest have also launched CricketForce, which encourages cricket supporters, friends and families to give something back to their local cricket club. It aims “to generate £20m worth of additional support for the grassroots game through a combination of volunteering, fundraising and contributions from local businesses and communities.”

