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Mobile Data Association to run text fundraising training day in London

Howard Lake | 12 May 2011 | News

Phonepay Plus, the industry regulator, and legal advisors Bates Wells & Braithwaite will be speaking and answering questions at the first charity text training day organised by the Mobile Data Association.
The event will be held on Tuesday, 24 May 2011 from 09.30 until 16.00 (lunch included) at PhonepayPlus , 4 Maguire Street, London SE1 2NQ
The event is subtitled ‘Everything you want to know about text donations but were afraid to ask’ and will include sessions addressing delegates issues and problems with mobile fundraising. The one day event is aimed at charitable organisations wanting to increase their income through text donations.
Using the special 70xxx series of charity text donation codes eligible organisations can obtain VAT-exempt donations from a simple text message, harnessing the immediacy of text messaging and maximising the income potential from small donations.
This MDA event will draw upon the experience and expertise of the industry, case studies and tutorial sessions to equip the charities with all they need to start reaping the benefit of charitable donations by text.
Delegates will:
• Learn about different ways of using text messaging and mobile technology in the marketing mix to solve particular fundraising problems
• Learn how to implement and market the facility
• Understand the regulatory requirements
• Learn about the legal framework
• Review case studies from campaigns
• Have an introduction to the aggregator community
Delegates should come away from the sessions inspired with a clear understanding of how they can use mobile technology to fundraise.
Registration can be made by credit card using the links below or by cheque by emailing ma************@th****.org
If you work for a charity the fee is £65 + VAT including lunch and refreshments. If you do not work for a charity the fee is £125 + VAT including lunch & refreshments.

