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Welshpool BHF Cymru team wins Shop of the Year

Howard Lake | 4 November 2010 | News

Staff and volunteers at the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Cymru Shop in Welshpool have won the charity’s award for ‘Shop of the Year’ after a successful and profitable year.
Peter Hollins, CEO at the British Heart Foundation attended the event at the shop to congratulate staff and volunteers and present them with the trophy. Last year the Welshpool Shop achieved £108,000 profit, while an average BHF Shop makes a yearly profit of £46,000.
The Welshpool Shop has been open since 1999 and sells a range of donated stock including clothes, books, CDs, jewellery and bric-a-brac. There are currently 640 BHF Shops in the UK, which raise £22 million annually.
Peter Hollins said: “The Welshpool Shop has had an excellent year and thanks must go to its dedicated staff and volunteers. Every year they help raise significant funds that are invested into pioneering research, patient care, campaigning for change and vital information. Thanks must also go to the vital support shown from the Welshpool public who shop and donate on a regular basis.”
BHF Cymru Shops are currently appealing for volunteers to help them in the run up to Christmas.

