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Institute calls for one more year of Gift Aid transitional relief

Howard Lake | 5 February 2010 | News

Louise Richards, Director of Policy and Campaigns, Institute of Fundraising
The Institute of Fundraising is calling on the government to extend the transitional relief period for Gift Aid by one further year.
In an announcement yesterday evening, Louise Richards, Director of Policy and Campaigns, Institute of Fundraising, urged the government to make the concession given that reform of Gift Aid was unlikely to be completed and implemented before the General Election.
The extra 12 months would help protect charities’ income while the reform could be debated and implemented.
“We’re calling on the government to do something extraordinary themselves”, she told charity staff, HMRC staff, and tax advisors at a Gift Aid reception last night in London. “We want them to extend transitional relief for a further year”, she said, adding “it’s very simple”.
She pointed to the anticipated Budget before the Election as the time to introduce this extension.
Under this proposal transitional relief would be extended to March 2012.
Richards said this would be a tremendous support to the sector and demonstrate the government’s commitment to “doing something positive for the sector”.

