Pidgeon and Sargeant to teach Certificate in Fundraising

Howard Lake | 20 October 2009 | News

Adrian Sargeant and Stephen Pidgeon, who launched their training consultancy in July this year, are to start teaching their first Certificate in Fundraising course in January 2010.

The London-based course will be run by the Institute of Fundraising and will take place in three two-day blocks.

Paul Marvell, the Institute’s new Director of Learning, said: “Certificate training has been running successfully for a while but this is the first time we ourselves have set up a course, for any member to join, to teach the Certificate academically.


“There is an agreed syllabus, an assignment and an independently monitored exam at the end”.

The course will cost £2,000 and will be taught by Pidgeon and Sargeant with the support of at least five other fundraising specialists.

Contact: Stephen Pidgeon on 07770 867 240.

