Arthur Guinness Fund is open for applications

Howard Lake | 12 October 2009 | News

Guinness in Scruffy Murphy's

The Arthur Guinness Fund, which is worth €2.5 million over the next two years, is open for applications from social entrepreneurs around Ireland.

Established as part of the Guinness 250 celebrations, the Arthur Guinness Fund pays tribute to Arthur Guinness and his philanthropic legacy. The Fund will support projects that deliver lasting social, community and environmental benefits.


Guinness & Co. has partnered with Social Entrepreneurs Ireland to implement this initiative, which will seek to identify, support and empower people who are passionate about making a difference to society and who have projects and initiatives that are innovative, will have an impact and are sustainable.

Successful applicants will benefit from financial support (in the region of €100,000 per project) as well as practical support and advice. In addition, successful applicants will benefit from access to the Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Alumni Network.

For more information and to apply to the fund, visit, click on the 250 button, then click on the Arthur Guinness Fund and follow the instructions.

The closing date for applications is 31 October 2009.

Photo: Andrew Mason on

