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Fundraising Standards Board appoints TurnerPR

The Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB) has appointed TurnerPR, the specialist PR and communications agency for the fundraising sector, to implement and deliver the PR programme for the UK’s self-regulatory body for fundraising.

The agency will work to raise the profile of the FRSB amongst both the sector and charity supporter audiences.

Together with the marketing campaign, led by Marketing Manager Samantha Wilson, the PR strategy aims to increase membership and build public awareness of the self-regulatory scheme for fundraising. Key objectives include building public confidence in fundraising and ensuring clarity about the role of the FRSB amongst all core stakeholder groups.


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Alistair McLean, Chief Executive of the Fundraising Standards Board, said: “We are very pleased to be working with Turner PR. They have great credentials in the charity sector and, as we enter a new stage of our growth, I am confident that they can help us raise our profile both within and outside of the sector. I am thrilled by a number of new initiatives that they have already proposed for the coming year.”

TurnerPR Managing Director Jenny Turner said: “Self-regulation in fundraising is a rapidly growing movement and one that we are committed to. During the current economic crisis, anything we can do to help build donors’ confidence in charities is a must; we will be working closely with the FRSB to enhance its profile and its positioning as a positive and supportive force within the charity sector.”

The FRSB account will be managed by Associate Director Lucinda Frostick, alongside other TurnerPR clients, including global capacity builder and organiser of the annual International Fundraising Congress, The Resource Alliance, and telephone fundraising specialists, Relationship Marketing.

