Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

A collective noun for fundraisers?

Lots of please and thank yous - photo: Unsplash
Photo by Kyle Nieber on Unsplash

What is the collective noun for fundraisers? There isn’t one of course, but that leaves the field open for us to come up with one.

The issue has just sparked into life on Twitter with a group of charity sector staff suggesting possible terms.

So far we’ve come up with:


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

∙ a gift

∙ a nuisance

∙ a rabble

∙ an ask

∙ a storytelling

∙ a commitment

∙ a relationship

∙ a passion

∙ a finery

∙ a convention [topical given we’ve just had the National Convention here in the UK]

I also suggested a Sumption, Stringer or Kirkley of Fundraisers, nods to our profession’s past. That said, the majority of fundraisers in the UK are women.

A woman's face made up from hundreds of tiny people. Photo: Tai11 on
Photo: Tai11 on

With thanks to @AmandaSanter, @causeperfect, and @derekhumphries.

The conversation did then move onto a collective name for consultants, but I think I’ll draw a veil over that…

Can you come up with anything better as a collective noun for fundraisers?

